Why do men get papillomas on their penis and how are they treated?

Papillomas are swollen derivatives that appear on human skin and mucous membranes. They are not really a disease, but only serve as an external manifestation of infection with the HPV, the human papillomavirus.

Papillomavirus exists in many different strains, some of which are dangerous because neoplasms have the property of malignant transformation, that is, they can turn into malignant tumors.

Causes of papillomas on the penis

male reproductive system and papillomas on the penis

Papillomas are carp-like benign derivatives on the skin or mucous membranes.

The human papillomavirus is transmitted in several ways, from the sick person to the healthy person. The main method is sexual, with unprotected sex. But the virus can be "infected" at home by contact with the wearer if there are defects in the integrity of the body or mucous membranes, through the blood and other fluids infected with the virus.

It is quite difficult to completely "eradicate" a virus that has already entered the body, but in about 90% of cases there is a self-cure, which is the immune system itself "kills" the virus. However, in some cases, the disease recurs and can last for many years.

Of particular concern are strains that may develop malignancies, i. e. , malignancy of the neoplasm.

HPV has a long incubation period, has a strong immunity, can last from a month to a year.

However, when the immune system weakens, it is immediately felt. Symptoms of its presence are derivatives on the body and mucous membranes, which can be round, oval or oblong in shape and vary in size from a few millimeters to a couple of centimeters.

Doctors know more than 600 strains of the virus, more than 40 of which can cause neoplasms in the male and female genitals and anus. They cause papillomas on the penis called genital warts.

Some papillomas are harmless to human health, others can provoke an annoying cosmetic defect - warts, and still others pose a threat to the body's most dangerous disease - cancer. There is medical evidence that cervical and breast cancer develops in certain strains of HPV.

If a virus that can cause papillomas on the genitals enters the body, then the main route of entry is considered sexual. Especially dangerous are horny relationships, bisexual and homosexual contacts. However, the virus can be congenital - the fetus becomes infected when it passes through the birth canal of an infected mother. There is also a risk of skin damage when visiting a swimming pool, public toilet, bath, sauna, gym, epilating, shaving.

Signs and symptoms of the disease

groin pain with papillomas on the penis

Symptoms depend on the location, number and size of papillomas.

Usually papillomas on the penis damage the head of the organ, "settle" along the foreskin, form colonies on the bridle, can even penetrate the urethra.

With a high prevalence of papillomas, papillomas take the form of "cauliflower", urination can be injured, injured and even bleed during intercourse.

Because it is a viral disease, the period of activation of papillomata growth is accompanied by a severe decrease in immunity. The person feels weak, sluggish, may have a rise in body temperature, usually adheres to subfebrile levels (37 - 37, 5 ° C). As immunity is weakened, an infected person can easily catch a cold and become infected with ARVI and ARI.

Reproduction of papillomas can cause phimosis - narrowing of the foreskin.

Due to this condition, a special lubricant - smegma - accumulates on the head of the penis. Its infection can lead to the development of a dangerous disease, so if even papillomas are found, it is necessary to see a doctor immediately. Individual neoplasms can be removed very quickly and almost painlessly, preventing their growth and a high risk of malignancy.

Tests and trials required

The presence of papilloma is determined visually by the doctor, but other tests are needed to find out the tension and the degree of danger to the patient. The patient donates to blood typing using PCR, the Digene screening test, and is tested for the presence of sexually transmitted diseases, as in many cases HPV "associates" with sexually transmitted diseases.

If urethral infiltration of papillomas is suspected, urethroscopy should be performed. Your doctor may prescribe a biopsy if the growth is too great or if doctors suspect that the derivative has started to degenerate into a cancerous tumor.

Methods of treatment and removal of papillomas

see a doctor for papillomas on the penis

It is not possible to completely remove the human papillomavirus from an infected person, sometimes it remains in the patient for the rest of his life. Anti-HPV drugs include the use of antiviral drugs and immunomodulators that stimulate the immune system itself.

Basically, the doctor's action is to eliminate the external signs of the virus, which are the papillomas, warts and genital warts themselves.

Only in the case of cancer degeneration is complex treatment involving surgery and the application of chemotherapy to eliminate the risk of the tumor spreading.

The following treatments are used to remove papillomas on the penis:

  1. Surgical removal.
  2. Electrocoagulation.
  3. Laser derivatisation (neodymium or carbon dioxide).
  4. Cryodestruction is the destruction of a neoplasm using liquid nitrogen. Cryodestruction can be applied or aerosolized.
  5. Cauterization with chemicals.

In most cases, it is sufficient to use these methods to remove the papilloma and prevent its recurrence.

The method of treatment is chosen by the doctor according to the degree of the lesion, the type of neoplasm, the patient's state of health and age.

There is a specialized vaccine that protects women against the most dangerous disease, squamous cell carcinoma, or cervical cancer. It has been shown to be caused by one of the dangerous strains of the human papillomavirus, as this type of cancer does not occur in the absence of HPV in the body.

Unfortunately, there is no vaccine today that can prevent infection with other types of human papillomavirus, including those that provoke the emergence of intimate regrowths in male organs. The only effective way of protection is still the use of condoms during sexual intercourse, as well as adherence to personal hygiene, a careful approach to possible infection in public places.

Prognosis and possible complications

pain with papillomas on the penis

Doctors have found that in 90% of all cases of HPV infection, if a person has strong immunity, the body copes with the virus on its own within 24 months. However, this observation only applies to certain strains of the human papillomavirus that cannot provoke the development of cancer.

The most dangerous complication should be considered a malignancy, that is, the conversion of papillomas to cancer. However, only some HPV strains have such properties. Sad consequences can be avoided with early medical attention and timely diagnosis.

In rare cases, removal of the papilloma may result in the formation of neoplasms in and around the scar tissue if the virus multiplies actively in the patient due to a weakened immune system. In such a situation, the removal of papillomas and the complete strengthening of the patient's immunity will be required to prevent further growth of the formations.

In most cases, the prognosis is positive if the disease is not too advanced. However, this rarely happens with genital warts, as their development causes great discomfort to the man and he quickly seeks medical attention.